SoCal HHA & Hospice Care, INC.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I ask for Hospice?
Consider discussing hospice with your loved one's physician if they have a terminal condition. Some doctors readily suggest hospice, while others may be less familiar with its benefits and less likely to recommend it.
Is hospice expensive?
Medicare, Medicaid, and many individual insurance providers offer funding for hospice services. Individuals with a terminal prognosis of six months or less are eligible for hospice coverage. The expenses related to medications and therapies aimed at relieving pain and providing comfort are typically included as part of hospice coverage. By receiving hospice services, families and responsible parties can alleviate some of the financial burdens they might face. Otherwise, they would need to pay out-of-pocket for medications or equipment such as beds or wheelchairs.
Is hospice free?
Medicare, Medicaid, and most individual insurance providers offer coverage for hospice services. While expenses like full-time caregiving may not be covered, hospice can still provide significant financial relief for families and responsible parties. Instead of having to pay out-of-pocket for medications or equipment such as beds or wheelchairs, these costs can be alleviated through hospice coverage.
Does insurance cover hospice costs?
The majority of individual insurance providers offer coverage for hospice services. If you are uncertain about the coverage provided by your insurance plan, most hospice providers can assist you in determining if their services are covered under your specific insurance policy.
How does hospice care start?
At any time, you can request an evaluation for hospice care. Once a terminal diagnosis is provided by a doctor, the care can be approved. At this stage, you can reach out to a hospice provider to initiate the process of hospice admission. It is important to note that "admission" in this context refers to the commencement of services and does not necessarily indicate physical admission to a facility or new location.
When should someone consider hospice?
The option of hospice care should be carefully considered when a patient's life expectancy is limited, and they or their loved ones prioritize comfort and dignity as their primary goals. It is advisable to initiate discussions about hospice before the illness reaches an advanced stage. From the perspective of the patient's well-being, hospice care is most relevant when the quality of life is compromised due to ongoing care or treatment that is unlikely to prolong life or enhance comfort significantly. The decision regarding hospice care varies for each patient and their family, but in its simplest form, it entails considering hospice when the quality of life holds greater significance than the quantity of life.
When is a good time for hospice?
While the decision varies for each patient and their family, it can be simplified by considering that hospice should be considered when the focus shifts from the quantity of life to the quality of life.
Who decides if a person goes on hospice?
The decision regarding hospice care is typically a collaborative process involving the patient (if possible), the primary care physician, the family, and, if applicable, the patient's care facility. In situations where the patient is unable to make decisions for themselves, an Advance Healthcare Directive can serve as a valuable source of guidance. In cases where there hasn't been any advanced planning, the decision to initiate hospice care is often entrusted to the individual holding Power of Attorney for the patient.
Is hospice contant care?
In typical hospice cases, with the exception of exceptional circumstances requiring round-the-clock care for pain management or other acute conditions, the care involves periodic visits from doctors, nurses, volunteers, and other team members. The primary responsibility for the patient's care still rests with the family, privately-paid in-home caregivers, or caregivers at the facility where they reside.
Does hospice provide 24/7 caregivers?
In the majority of cases, the responsibility for daily ongoing care of the patient falls primarily on the family, privately-paid in-home caregivers, or caregivers at the facility where the patient resides. However, there are exceptional circumstances where 24/7 continuous care for pain management or other acute conditions may be covered upon the request of the attending medical staff.
Can a person leave hospice?
At any point, a patient or their family retains the right to discontinue hospice care and opt for curative treatment instead. Conversely, there are instances where hospice patients may actually "graduate" from hospice if their life expectancy extends beyond the initial prognosis of six months.
Does a patient have to go to a hospice facility in order to receive care?
Hospice services can be administered in various settings, including retirement communities and assisted living facilities. The primary aim is to ensure the patient's comfort and serenity, which is why every effort is made to keep them in their current location and minimize the challenges associated with hospital readmissions or transfers to dedicated hospice facilities. It's important to note that Silverado does not operate hospice facilities; instead, our dedicated hospice teams provide care directly at the patient's place of residence, whether it's a private home, assisted living facility, or another appropriate setting.
What kind of medications are used for hospice?
Hospice providers have the authority to prescribe pain-relieving medications, including options such as morphine, in order to alleviate or manage pain effectively. The evaluation of existing medications is done on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as potential drug interactions, the patient's quality of life, and the preferences of their family. Silverado hospice associates are dedicated to ensuring clear communication and will make every effort to explain any adjustments or changes in medication to the patient's loved ones.
Does hospice mean losing existing care or benefits?
No, when a patient enters hospice care, they do not lose access to the ongoing care they receive for other medical needs such as vision, dental, diabetes management, and more. It is important to consult with a hospice representative who can provide further information and guidance on how hospice care interacts with existing insurance and benefits, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the available coverage and services.